Today, while I was saying goodbye to a friend of mine a lady, overheard us talking about college. Her name was Silvia she was an older lady who moved to the United States from Mexico. She started school and then put it on hold for 10 years for various reasons. One day she decided to go back to school and finish with multiple degrees.
After talking for a little bit about what she does, she asked what I am majoring in for college. Of course, I said photography with a possibility of minoring in business. Being she's a business/accounting major she immediately loved that! While we were talking she gave me a lot of advice about universities in the area to take a look at for photography and for business. She also told me to follow what I love, and that she knows I will succeed in it. Inspiration like that is always a great confidence booster!
Also, while I started to write this post she called me over to where she was sitting to show me another inspiration quote. From a high ranking executive officer at facebook. While I didn't remember the entire quote, it was something like your strength in life will be measured by how hard you push towards your goals when life gets tough.
In photography, there is a lot of competition and lots of hard times to push through, but you can belive no matter how hard times get I will push through them all! Thank you, Silvia, for your kind words and for your advice!